Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Personal History

I'm supposed to write a 500-word personal history for something, so I decided to make it a post. You know, to help you get to know me more than you ever wanted to. Sounds like fun, huh?

I was born of two goodly parents in December of 1987, in a little town known as Provo, Utah. My father was attending Brigham Young University at the time, and eventually graduated to become an electrical engineer. He was offered a few jobs after graduating, and took the best one, which was a job working for Bell Labs in New Jersey. So when I was nine months old, we moved from Utah to New Jersey, to the dismay of my grandparents. We lived in New Jersey for a few years, but then relocated to North Carolina, although my father continued to work for AT&T. While in New Jersey, however, my first brother, Michael, was born. We lived in North Carolina for a few years, while I attended preschool. Just before I started kindergarten. After living in North Carolina for a few years, my parents decided it was best to relocate once more to Allentown, Pennsylvania. This was in my best interests, as I had begun to pick up a southern accent from my preschoolish peers. That "yaller crown" just wasn't going to cut it...I needed the yellow crayon, and it was nowhere to be found in North Carolina. Pennsylvania it was! I began my elementary school education at Ironton Elementary School, in Whitehall Township. We lived in a suburb of Allentown...yes, THE Allentown, sung about by Billy Joel. Ironton was good for me. I made friends with just about everyone, and spent my recesses dominating in kickball with all of the guys. We we so good that we often beat the kids in the grade above us. When we weren't playing kickball, we'd play our own version of soccer, that was more like rugby once someone decided to pick the ball up off the ground. That was a lot of fun too. We spent most of our recesses, however, trying to stay out of trouble and keep from being sent to "the Wall", which was our recess aids' version of the Nazi concentration camps, intended to punish us for poor behavior. Whilst living in Pennsylvania my two other brothers were born, Alex and Matthew successively, were born in an Allentown hospital. Shortly after beginning middle school at Orefield Middle School (so called because naming it after our high school "Parkland High" would have resulted in the initials PMS, which for obvious reasons was a poor choice) I moved back to Utah. We moved to Highland, Utah, and have lived here ever since. I attended Mountain Ridge Junior High and perhaps the only memorable things I did there consisted of making the yearbook staff, and um...running the fun run. Hey, I never said the memories would be good, just memorable. I started at Lone Peak High School in 2003 and that year I made a TON of new friends, and had a wonderful time. I took some very engaging and rewarding classes during the next three years, and formed some lasting friendships with both students and teachers. I performed well during the AP tests both my Junior and Senior years, and did well on the ACT, receiving a 31. I was accepted to both Brigham Young University and The University of Utah, with a half-tuition scholarship to BYU and a full-tuition scholarship to the U of U. Most of my friends went to BYU, but Mike, Quinn, Drew and I decided to go the Utah. I went because of the Architecture program at Utah. I'm now working toward a Masters in Architecture. We all love Utah and look forward to continuing our education in two years. In the meantime, however, we're all preparing for our LDS missions. I've been called to go to Fukuoka, Japan, and I leave on February 28th, 2007 for the MTC. Thus concludes my personal history. I hope you enjoyed it.

Gee, I hope that was 500 words. But then again, who cares? Does it really matter if it's 500 words. I mean, it accomplished the same purpose. If I can inform someone of my own personal history, in less than 500 words, then more power to me, I say.

Good day to you all.

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